Brand Charter

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Created by those who work within the Florida Workforce System – and guided by those for whom the system is designed to serve – the Brand Charter captures the system’s brand by articulating its values, vision, mission, essence, position, promise, platform, personality and pillars.

VALUES are the unswerving core beliefs and spiritual foundation of the system. These values express the things about the Florida Workforce System brand that won’t change over time; they are the bedrock and are embraced by the entire system and everyone doing business with it.

  • Business-Driven: We believe Florida employers – the state’s job creators – are essential to our overall success in providing effective, market-relevant workforce solutions that drive economic growth and sustainability.
  • Continuous Improvement: Driven by our commitment to excellence, we respond to changing market dynamics. We continually strive to improve our performance to better anticipate and address the talent needs of employers and the employment and skills needs of job seekers and workers. We identify, measure and replicate success.
  • Integrity: We fulfill our mission with honesty and accountability and strive in every decision and action to earn and protect the public trust.
  • Talent Focus: We believe in the power of talent to advance every enterprise and open the door to life-enhancing economic opportunities for individuals, businesses and communities. Our commitment is to make talent Florida’s key competitive asset.
  • Purpose-Driven: Our work is meaningful and through it, we can inspire hope, achievement and economic prosperity in the lives of the customers we serve.

VISION is a “to be” statement for the system. A simple, clear description of our compelling aspiration. The brand vision is intentionally aspirational; it is high-reaching and reflective of a goal not only for the system but for everyone it touches.

Florida will be the global leader for talent.

MISSION is a succinct description of the work we will do to achieve the vision. This is what we get up every day thinking about. It directly informs our structure, staffing and design of our operations and is the most visible to the market.

The Florida Workforce System connects employers with qualified, skilled talent and Floridians with employment and career development opportunities to achieve economic prosperity.

ESSENCE is the emotional component of the brand and captures what we want employers and job seekers to feel about us, voiced in their first person. It’s the feeling we want people to have when they think of the Florida Workforce System.

Employer – “I have a partner who understands my business and is consistently focused on my success. This partner speaks my language, understands my industry and plays an integral role in developing and sustaining my greatest asset — my workforce. I value and trust this partner and tell others to do the same.”

Job Seeker/Worker – “I know that I am supported by professionals who believe my success and career advancement are their highest priorities. They are knowledgeable, compassionate and action-oriented. Their expert guidance is always delivered with dignity and respect.”

POSITIONING is what we want said about us and how we want to be positioned in the marketplace. Brand positioning keeps us on course and clear about the experience we create for employers and job seekers.

Florida’s Workforce System is an essential catalyst for the state’s Talent Supply System and a recognized and relevant resource for business.

The system is driven by both private-sector and public-sector leadership to respond to the employment and training needs of businesses, job seekers and workers.

Along with partners in industry, education, economic development and community development, workforce leaders and professionals seek to align the talent development needs of Florida businesses and job seekers, cultivate a highly skilled workforce, and provide access to training, education, employment and career advancement opportunities for Floridians.

PROMISE is the implicit contract between the workforce brand and the job seeker, employer or stakeholder. It’s clear, concise and unique to the Florida Workforce System. It is a basis for making deliverable decisions: At each key decision point, we should ask, “Does this deliver on our promise?”

Florida’s Workforce System promises a dedicated team of professionals who possess an understanding of your needs. Uniquely positioned, we offer assets, expertise and effective partnerships to deliver seamless and efficient services, demonstrate our value to all customers through results and drive economic priorities through talent development.

PLATFORM is the “Big Idea” for the brand; not the ad copy, but what it points to.

World-Class Talent Development to Meet Current and Future Needs of Florida Employers

PERSONALITY is our brand’s attitude, style and voice as stated in its own first-person voice.

I am confident in my ability to make a positive contribution to Florida businesses and a significant difference in the lives of the job seekers and workers I serve. My work is important and I approach it with respect and passion.

I am driven by the opportunity to link employers with people who can make them successful and profitable. I have extensive experience and know how to get things done.

I understand the industries I serve and recognize the varying needs and expectations of companies doing business here. My network of relationships with educational institutions as well as economic development and community organizations make me a well-informed, high-performance partner. I will not stop until I have filled the last open position and helped every job seeker find meaningful employment.

Though I am part of a unified workforce system, which brings greater clarity and visibility to those seeking to connect with me, I am empowered to customize strategies and solutions that address unique workforce challenges and needs.

I believe in my contributions to our economy and know that if I am doing my job well, Florida will be more competitive and a top destination for business.

PILLARS are solid, defined concepts that support the brand. Action-oriented, these words galvanize the system behind the brand and tell us how to deliver on our promises.

Collaborate – Innovate – Lead